java-gnome version 4.0.19 | ||||
Interface Summary | |
AboutDialog.EmailHook | Callback invoked when a email address is clicked. |
AboutDialog.UrlHook | Callback invoked when the website is clicked. |
Action.Activate | Signal emitted when the Action is activated. |
Activatable | Widgets which have a notion of being activated. |
Adjustment.Changed | This signal is emitted when one or more of Adjustment's fields, other than the value field have been changed. |
Adjustment.ValueChanged | This signal is emitted when Adjustment's value field has been changed. |
Assistant.Apply | The signal emitted when the user is on a CONFIRM page and
confirms the input they have given. |
Assistant.Cancel | The signal emitted if the user cancels the Assistant. |
Assistant.Close | This signal emitted at the end of the Assistant's life cycle. |
Assistant.ForwardPage | The callback invoked when an Assistant wants to display another page. |
Assistant.Prepare | The signal emitted every time a page inside the assistant is displayed. |
Button.Clicked | Event generated when a user presses and releases a button, causing it to activate. |
Calendar.DaySelected | Signal emitted when the user selects on one of the days showing in the Calendar. |
Calendar.DaySelectedDoubleClick | Signal emitted when the user double clicks on one of the days showing in the Calendar. |
CellEditable | User interface controls where text can be edited. |
CellLayout | Classes which CellRenderers can be packed into. |
CellRendererText.Edited | Event generated after user activated a cell, changed its content and pressed Return. |
CellRendererToggle.Toggled | Signal emitted after user toggles the rendered toggle button in a cell. |
CheckMenuItem.Toggled | The handler interface for a change in the active state. |
Clipboard.OwnerChange | This signal is emitted any time the owner of the Clipboard [contents] changes. |
ColorButton.ColorSet | Signal emitted when the user selects a different Color. |
ComboBox.Changed | This signal emitted whenever a different item is selected by the user. |
Dialog.Response | This signal arises when a user activates one of the Widgets laid out in the action area of the Dialog. |
Editable | Methods common to Widgets which allow the line of text they display to be edited. |
Editable.Changed | The signal emitted when the text in the Editable has changed. |
Entry.Activate | The Entry.Activate signal occurs when the user presses
Enter or Return in an Entry. |
Entry.Changed | The signal emitted when the text in the Entry has changed. |
Entry.IconPress | Emitted when an activatable icon is clicked. |
Entry.IconRelease | Emitted on the button release from a mouse click over an activatable icon. |
EntryCompletion.ActionActivated | Emitted when an action item is selected from the popup action list. |
EntryCompletion.CursorOnMatch | Emitted when the cursor is on a completion string without select it. |
EntryCompletion.InsertPrefix | Emitted when the inline auto-completion is triggered. |
EntryCompletion.Match | The callback invoked when a EntryCompletion wants to ask if a given row in the TreeModel should be in the completion list. |
EntryCompletion.MatchSelected | Emitted when a completion string was selected from the completion list. |
FileChooser | Widgets which allow you to select a file or directory. |
FileChooserButton.FileSet | Signal emitted when the file indicated by this FileChooserButton has been set by the user. |
FileFolder | |
FileSystem | |
FontButton.FontSet | The signal emitted when a font is selected. |
IconView.ItemActivated | Emitted when an item in the IconView has been activated. |
IconView.SelectionChanged | Signal emitted when the selection changes, i.e. when a new item is selected or a previously selected item was unselected. |
InfoBar.Close | This signal arises when a user uses a keybinding to dismiss the InfoBar. |
InfoBar.Response | This signal arises when a user activates one of the Widgets laid out in the action area of the InfoBar. |
InputMethod.Commit | Signal emitted when the input method completes its composition. |
MenuItem.Activate | The handler interface for an activation. |
Notebook.ChangeCurrentPage | The handler interface for notification of changes in the current page. |
Notebook.SwitchPage | The signal emitted when the user or the program switches to a new page. |
Object.Destroy | Signal handler for when an Object requests that all other code holding references to it release those references. |
PrintOperationPreview | |
RadioGroup.GroupToggled | Signal that is emitted each time the active action or widget of the group is changed. |
Range.ValueChanged | The value showing in the Range instance has changed. |
RecentChooser | |
SpinButton.ValueChanged | Signal emitted when the value of the SpinButton changes, either by
clicking the arrow buttons, by pressing the specified keys, by input a
new value on the text entry, or by setting it programmatically with
setValue() method. |
StatusIcon.Activate | The signal emitted when the user activates the StatusIcon. |
StatusIcon.PopupMenu | The signal emitted when the user brings up the context menu of the StatusIcon. |
StatusIcon.SizeChanged | Signal emitted when the size available for the StatusIcon's image changes. |
TextBuffer.ApplyTag | The signal emitted when a TextTag is added to a range of text. |
TextBuffer.BeginUserAction | Signal emitted when a "user action" is initiated. |
TextBuffer.Changed | The signal emitted when the contents of the TextBuffer have changed. |
TextBuffer.DeleteRange | Signal emitted when one or more characters are deleted. |
TextBuffer.EndUserAction | The signal emitted when a "user action" stops. |
TextBuffer.InsertText | Signal emitted when text is inserted into the TextBuffer. |
TextBuffer.MarkSet | Signal emitted when a TextMark is set (or moved) in this TextBuffer. |
TextBuffer.NotifyCursorPosition | Signal emitted when the cursor-position property changes. |
TextBuffer.RemoveTag | The signal emitted when a TextTag is removed from a range of text. |
TextView.PopulatePopup | Signal emitted by GTK allowing you to populate MenuItems into the popup context menu displayed by a TextView (typically in response to the user right-clicking). |
ToggleAction.Toggled | Signal emitted when the ToggleAction is toggled
A ToggleAction is activated when the user clicks a
ToolButton proxy, when (s)he activates an associated MenuItem or when
toggled() is called. |
ToggleButton.Toggled | Signal indicating the Button has changed state. |
ToggleToolButton.Toggled | Signal indicating the ToggleToolButton state has changed. |
ToolButton.Clicked | Signal generated when a user presses and releases a ToolButton, causing it to activate. |
TreeDragDest | |
TreeDragSource | |
TreeModel.RowChanged | The signal emitted when a row in the model is changed. |
TreeModelFilter.Visible | The callback invoked when a TreeModelFilter wants to ask if a given row in its child TreeModel should be considered visible in the TreeModelFilter. |
TreeSelection.Changed | Emitted when the selection state of the TreeView changes. |
TreeSortable | |
TreeView.RowActivated | Emitted when a row in the TreeView has been activated. |
TreeView.RowExpanded | Emitted when a row in the TreeView has been expanded, i.e. when its child nodes are shown. |
TreeView.SelectAll | This signal is emitted when the user selects all the rows in the TreeView. |
Widget.ButtonPressEvent | Signal fired when the user clicks one of their mouse buttons. |
Widget.ButtonReleaseEvent | The signal emitted when the user releases a pressed mouse button. |
Widget.EnterNotifyEvent | Signal emitted when the mouse enters the Widget. |
Widget.ExposeEvent | The signal emitted when a portion or all of the Widget has been exposed and needs [re]drawing. |
Widget.FocusInEvent | Signal emitted when focus enters this Widget. |
Widget.FocusOutEvent | Signal emitted when the keyboard focus leaves this Widget. |
Widget.Hide | The signal emitted when a Widget is hidden. |
Widget.KeyPressEvent | Handler interface for key press events. |
Widget.KeyReleaseEvent | Handler interface for key release events. |
Widget.LeaveNotifyEvent | Signal emitted when the mouse pointer leaves the Widget. |
Widget.MapEvent | The signal emitted when a Widget becomes visible on the screen. |
Widget.MotionNotifyEvent | Handler interface for mouse motion events. |
Widget.PopupMenu | The signal emitted when the user presses the Menu
key. |
Widget.ScrollEvent | Signal emitted when the user turns the mouse wheel. |
Widget.UnmapEvent | The signal emitted when a Window becomes invisible. |
Widget.VisibilityNotifyEvent | A signal providing notification that the Widget has been obscured or unobscured. |
Window.ConfigureEvent | Event emitted when the Window's size or position changes. |
Window.DeleteEvent | This signal arises when a user tries to close a top level window. |
Class Summary | |
AboutDialog | A Dialog which presents information about a program. |
AcceleratorGroup | Accelerator are for key bindings for windows. |
AccelFlags | |
AccelKey | |
AccelLabel | |
AccelMap | |
Accessible | |
Action | Actions represent an operation that the user can perform from one of several GUI places. |
ActionGroup | A group of Actions. |
Adjustment | Data concerning a value with a pair of associated values that determine its lower and upper limits. |
Alignment | Control the alignment and size of a child Widget. |
Allocation | An object with information about the size of the rectangle that has been allocated to a Widget and its position within its parent Container as a result of consideration of the Widget's size request. |
AnchorType | |
Arrow | Arrow is a widget to draw simple arrows pointing to up, down, left, or right. |
ArrowType | Used to indicate the direction in which the arrow graphic on an
Arrow Widget will point. |
AspectFrame | |
Assistant | Guide a user through a multi-step operation one page at a time. |
AssistantPageType | Used for determining the page role inside the Assistant . |
AttachOptions | Using AttachOptions you control how a Widget placed in a Table uses
eventually existing additional space, e.g. because another cell in the same
row is much wider or another column much higher. |
Bin | A Container with only one child Widget. |
Border | |
Box | Base class for Containers which organize a variable number of Widgets into a rectangular area. |
Button | A Widget that emits a signal when clicked on. |
ButtonBox | Provide a consistent layout of Buttons throughout your application. |
ButtonBoxStyle | Control layout of Buttons in a ButtonBox . |
ButtonsType | Specify that a predefined set of Buttons should be used for a
MessageDialog . |
Calendar | Displays a monthly calendar with which users select a date. |
CalendarDisplayOptions | These options are used to modify the display and behaviour of a
Calendar Widget. |
CellRenderer | Present data in CellLayouts (ie, the TreeViewColumns of TreeView, and ComboBox). |
CellRendererAccel | Renderer a keyboard accelerator in text form in a TreeViewColumn. |
CellRendererAccelMode | |
CellRendererCombo | |
CellRendererMode | |
CellRendererPixbuf | Display an image in a TreeView. |
CellRendererProgress | Renderer a progress indicator similar to a ProgressBar in a TreeViewColumn. |
CellRendererSpin | |
CellRendererSpinner | |
CellRendererState | |
CellRendererText | Render textual data into a TreeViewColumn. |
CellRendererToggle | Renders a Toggle Button into a TreeViewColumn. |
CellType | |
CellView | |
CheckButton | A toggle button widget that consists of a Check box and a Text box. |
CheckMenuItem | A MenuItem that maintains a binary state. |
Clipboard | A mechanism allowing a user to copy data between programs. |
ColorButton | A Button used to select a Color . |
ColorSelection | |
ColorSelectionDialog | |
ComboBox | A Widget used to choose from a list of items. |
ComboBoxEntry | An Entry which also offers a range of pre-configured options to choose from. |
Container | A Widget that contains at least one, and maybe more, other Widgets. |
CornerType | |
CustomPaperSize | Page sizes different than the established standards available as constants in the PaperSize, InternationalPaperSize, and NorthAmericanPaperSize classes. |
DataColumn | Specify the data type of a column in a TreeModel tabular store and identify its position for later reference. |
DataColumnBoolean | A column of boolean values in a TreeModel. |
DataColumnIcon | A column representing a named Icon in a TreeModel. |
DataColumnInteger | A column of int values in a TreeModel. |
DataColumnLong | A column of long values in a TreeModel. |
DataColumnPixbuf | A column containing image data in a TreeModel. |
DataColumnReference<T> | A column containing references back to Java objects in a TreeModel. |
DataColumnStock | A column representing a Stock item in a TreeModel. |
DataColumnString | A column containing textual data in a TreeModel. |
DebugFlag | |
DeleteType | |
DestDefaults | |
Dialog | A Dialog is a special Window which is used to display information for the user or to get response from her. |
DirectionType | |
DrawingArea | A simple blank canvas Widget that you can do arbitrary drawing on. |
Entry | A data entry field allowing the user to input a single line of text. |
EntryBuffer | |
EntryCompletion | An object to use in conjunction with Entry to provide completion
functionality. |
EntryIconPosition | Constants used to specify where an icon will be placed in an Entry . |
ErrorMessageDialog | A Dialog preconfigured to present an urgent error message to the user. |
EventBox | Add the ability for a Widget to accept events. |
Expander | A Container that can hide its child. |
ExpanderStyle | |
FileChooserAction | Set which kind of FileChooser Dialog will appear. |
FileChooserButton | Displays a filename and a Button which, if pressed, opens a FileChooserDialog allowing the user to select the file. |
FileChooserConfirmation | |
FileChooserDialog | A Dialog suitable for operations that need to select a file, such as "File -> Open" or "File -> Save" commands. |
FileChooserError | |
FileChooserWidget | A Widget used to select files. |
FileFilter | FileFilters objects are used to restrict the files being shown on a
FileChooser . |
FileFilterFlags | |
FileInfo | |
FileInfoType | |
FilePath | |
FileSystemError | |
FileSystemHandle | |
Fixed | Fixed is a Container Widget that allows you to position other widgets on it at fixed coordinates. |
FontButton | |
FontSelection | |
FontSelectionDialog | |
Frame | A decorative border frame with an optional label. |
Gtk | The GTK widget toolkit initialization and main loop entry point. |
HandleBox | |
HBox | A Container which holds a variable number of Widgets in a single horizontal row. |
HButtonBox | Lay Buttons out horizontally with consistent spacing properties. |
HPaned | A Paned that disposes horizontally the two children, one at
the left, the other at the right. |
HRuler | |
HScale | A horizontal slider allowing you to visually represent data and offer the user the ability to manipulate it. |
HScrollbar | A horizontal Scrollbar. |
HSeparator | A horizontal line used to create visual distinction between Widgets being laid out vertically. |
IconFactory | |
IconInfo | |
IconLookupFlags | |
IconSet | |
IconSize | Constants referring to the size of an icon. |
IconSource | |
IconTheme | |
IconThemeError | |
IconView | A Widget that displays the data of a TreeModel as a grid of icons
with labels. |
IconViewDropPosition | |
Image | A Widget that displays an image. |
ImageMenuItem | A MenuItem which displays an icon Image to the left of the Label text. |
ImageType | The type of image in a Image or a StatusIcon . |
IMPreeditStyle | |
IMStatusStyle | |
InfoBar | A InfoBar is a widget that can be used to show messages to a
user without showing a dialog. |
InfoMessageDialog | A Dialog preconfigured to present an information message to the user. |
InputMethod | Complex input handling. |
InternationalPaperSize | Constants for the ISO standard paper types, used everywhere in the world except south, central, and northern North America. |
Item | A base class which is now only the parent of MenuItem. |
Justification | Constants that represent the justification of text. |
Label | A Widget that displays a small amount of text. |
Layout | A Container that is able to hold present a limited view of Widgets laid out on a larger canvas. |
LinkButton | LinkButton is a specialized subclass of Button for linking to URIs. |
ListStore | The model storing a list of data. |
Menu | A drop-down set of Widgets creating a menu. |
MenuBar | A MenuBar is a Container widget for Menu s. |
MenuDirectionType | |
MenuItem | MenuItems are the basic elements that form a Menu. |
MenuShell | The MenuShell is the abstract super class of Menu and
MenuBar . |
MenuToolButton | A MenuToolButton is an special kind of ToolButton that has an additional drop-down Menu. |
MessageDialog | A convenient Dialog to show a message to the user. |
MessageType | The type of the message shown in a MessageDialog . |
MetricType | |
Misc | Base class for Widgets that have notions of alignment and padding. |
MovementStep | Constants describing the nature of a motion in MoveCursor
signal handlers found in TextView , TreeView , Entry ,
etc. |
MulticontextInputMethod | A dynamic input method that enables the user to switch between input methods. |
NorthAmericanPaperSize | Constants for the other standard paper types typically in use in Canada and the United States, as well as Mexico, The Philippines, Chile, and Columbia. |
Notebook | A tabbed notebook container. |
NotebookTab | |
Object | Base class for Widgets and various other elements in GTK. |
OffscreenWindow | |
Orientation | Determine the orientation of some Widgets, such as Toolbar, that can be switched between horizontal and vertical orientation during execution. |
PackDirection | |
PackType | |
PageOrientation | |
PageSet | |
PageSetup | |
Paned | Base type for Containers that dispose child Widgets in two panes, arranged
either horizontally (HPaned ) or vertically (VPaned ). |
PaperSize | Representations of different sizes of paper used in printing operations. |
PathPriorityType | |
PathType | |
Plug | |
Plumbing | |
PolicyType | Constants to determines when a scrollbar will be visible. |
PositionType | Which edge of a Widget an adornment is placed at. |
PrintContext | |
PrintDuplex | |
PrintError | |
PrintOperation | |
PrintOperationAction | |
PrintOperationResult | |
PrintPages | |
PrintQuality | |
PrintSettings | |
PrintStatus | |
PrivateFlags | |
ProgressBar | A Widget that displays the progress of a task as a visual bar. |
ProgressBarOrientation | Constants that specify the direction a ProgressBar is to progress. |
QuestionMessageDialog | A Dialog properly preconfigured to ask a yes or no question of the user. |
RadioAction | A RadioAction is an equivalent of a Action but used in
general to create RadioMenuItem . |
RadioButton | A special kind of CheckButton used to select from a mutually exclusive set of options. |
RadioGroup | A group of RadioActions or Radio widgets sharing the mutually exclusive relationship that only one of the group member can be selected at a time. |
RadioMenuItem | A special kind of CheckMenuItem used to select from a mutually exclusive set of options. |
RadioToolButton | A RadioToolButton is a ToolItem that contains a
RadioButton . |
Range | Base class for Widgets which present an adjustable quantity in some form of slider. |
RcFlags | |
RcStyle | |
RcTokenType | |
RecentAction | |
RecentChooserDialog | |
RecentChooserError | |
RecentChooserMenu | |
RecentChooserWidget | |
RecentFilter | |
RecentFilterFlags | |
RecentInfo | |
RecentManager | |
RecentManagerError | |
RecentSortType | |
ReliefStyle | The relief to be drawn around a Button. |
Requisition | The size that will be (is being) requested by a Widget. |
ResizeMode | |
ResponseType | Predefined responses for a Dialog . |
Ruler | |
Scale | A slider control which allows the user to manipulate a numeric value. |
ScaleButton | |
Scrollbar | A scroll bar. |
ScrolledWindow | Add scrollbars to a Widget. |
SelectionData | |
SelectionMode | What kinds of selections are possible on a TreeView? |
SensitivityType | |
Separator | Abstract superclass for HSeparator and VSeparator . |
SeparatorMenuItem | A separator between groups of related MenuItems. |
SeparatorToolItem | A separator between groups of related ToolItems in a Toolbar. |
Settings | Global settings for a GTK application. |
ShadowType | Appearance of the outline shown in some Widgets such as Frame and
Arrow . |
SignalRunType | |
SimpleInputMethod | The basis of the default input method in GTK. |
SizeGroup | Cause a group of Widgets to have the same size request in either the horizontal dimension, the vertical dimension, or both. |
SizeGroupMode | Constants indicating how a given SizeGroup is to operate. |
Socket | |
SortType | Constants describing what sort ordering you want to be in effect. |
Spell | Helper class which manages spell checking in TextViews. |
SpinButton | A SpinButton is a little text entry used as input for numeric values in a given range. |
SpinButtonUpdatePolicy | |
Spinner | A Spinner is a widget that displays an icon-size animation. |
SpinType | |
StateType | The current state of a Widget with respect to drawing and theming. |
Statusbar | The space at the bottom of an application Window where status messages are displayed. |
StatusIcon | An icon that is displayed in the notification area. |
Stock | Identifiers for the different standard UI elements used to create consistent user interfaces across GNOME applications. |
Style | |
Table | A Container which arranges child Widgets in particular rows and columns. |
TargetFlags | |
TearoffMenuItem | |
Test | Support for testing GTK programs. |
TextAppearance | |
TextAttributes | |
TextBuffer | A TextBuffer is a powerful mechanism for storing and manipulating text. |
TextBufferTargetInfo | |
TextComboBox | A ComboBox for displaying simple Strings. |
TextComboBoxEntry | A ComboBoxEntry with a simplified API for displaying and extracting Strings. |
TextDirection | |
TextIter | A TextIter defines a position inside a TextBuffer and allows you to
manipulate it. |
TextMark | A stable reference to a specific position within a TextBuffer. |
TextSearchFlags | |
TextTag | TextTags are used to apply markup and formatting for regions of text in a TextBuffer. |
TextTagTable | A set of TextTags that can be used by one or more TextBuffers. |
TextView | A multi-line text display Widget. |
TextWindowType | Each TextView is actually composed from a number of underlying [org.gnome.gdk] Windows. |
ToggleAction | A ToggleAction is an equivalent of a Action but used
in general to create CheckMenuItem . |
ToggleButton | A ToggleButton is a Button which retains its state. |
ToggleToolButton | A ToggleToolButton is a ToolButton that retains its state. |
Toolbar | A Toolbar is a broad horizontal bar with several controls (usually largish graphical buttons) intended to provide a fast and convenient access to operations commonly used in an application. |
ToolbarSpaceStyle | |
ToolbarStyle | Constants that can be used to customize the look-and-feel of a Toolbar, by
calling its setStyle() method. |
ToolButton | A ToolButton is a ToolItem that displays as a graphical Button. |
ToolItem | ToolItems are the items that can be added to a Toolbar . |
ToolItemGroup | |
ToolPalette | |
ToolPaletteDragTargets | |
Tooltip | FIXME |
TreeIter | A temporary pointer to a row in a TreeModel. |
TreeModel | The data use as the model backing a TreeView . |
TreeModelFilter | A TreeModel which can present a subset of its backing model as determined by a filter function. |
TreeModelFlags | |
TreeModelSort | Takes an existing model and creates a new model of it sorted as specified. |
TreePath | A logical but abstract representation of a row in a TreeModel. |
TreeRowReference | A stable reference to a specific row in a TreeModel. |
TreeSelection | Manipulate the selection state of a TreeView. |
TreeStore | A TreeModel that stores its data in a hierarchical tree. |
TreeView | Display the data from a TreeModel in a tabular form. |
TreeViewColumn | A vertical visible column as presented in a TreeView
Widget. |
TreeViewColumnSizing | Constants controlling the [re]sizing behaviour of TreeViewColumns in a TreeView. |
TreeViewDropPosition | |
TreeViewGridLines | |
TreeViewMode | |
UIManager | |
UIManagerItemType | |
Unit | Constants describing different units which are be used when giving the dimensions of a piece of paper. |
UpdateType | |
VBox | A Container which holds a variable number of Widgets in a single vertical row. |
VButtonBox | Lay Buttons out horizontally with consistent spacing properties. |
Viewport | An adapter that allows a large Widget to only have a limited view be presented. |
VPaned | A Paned where the two children are disposed vertically, i.e. |
VRuler | |
VScale | A sliding Widget allowing you to represent data vertically and offer the user the ability to manipulate it. |
VScrollbar | A vertical Scrollbar. |
VSeparator | A vertical line used to create visual distinction between Widgets laid out horizontally. |
WarningMessageDialog | A Dialog preconfigured to present a cautionary message to the user and to request confirmation of an action. |
Widget | The base class of all GTK Widgets. |
WidgetHelpType | |
Window | The top level Widget that contains other Widgets. |
WindowGroup | |
WindowPosition | Request that this Window be placed at a specific location on the screen. |
WindowType | The type of Window. |
WrapMode | Indicate if you want a TextView to wrap, and if so, where it should break lines. |
Error Summary | |
FatalError | Misuse of the GTK. |
GTK is the widget toolkit which is used by applications to create rich user
interfaces on the screen. See Gtk
to get started.
GTK was first created by the authors of The GIMP, a powerful graphics manipulation program. They had innovative ideas about the user interface they wanted to provide, but needed to create an entirely new widget toolkit to do so!
The result was GTK (the GIMP widget Tool Kit). Many liked its power, look and feel, and simplicity, and very quickly it became the foundation of the GNOME project and today is used not only for all the applications that make up the GNOME Desktop, but for a huge range of popular programs available for Linux and Unix.
Originally GTK was a self contained library, but as it became the foundation for GNOME it was abstracted into several layers which are reflected in the many packages that are available in java-gnome; if you haven't already, see the overview for details.
![]() java-gnome |