Interface TreeView.RowExpanded
- Enclosing class:
- TreeView
public static interface TreeView.RowExpanded
Emitted when a row in the TreeView has been expanded, i.e. when its
child nodes are shown. A row is expanded either by clicking in the
little arrow near it, or by pressing the +
key when a row
is selected. Of course, a row can be only expanded when it has child
rows, and so it can be only emitted when the TreeView is used with a
hierarchical model such as TreeStore
In general, you've got the TreeModel and especially its DataColumns
visible, so to use TreeView.RowExpanded
you can just:
final TreeModel model;
final DataColumnString column;
view.connect(new TreeView.RowExpanded() {
public void onRowExpanded(TreeView source, TreeIter iter, TreePath path) {
... = model.getValue(iter, column);
Remember that TreeIters and TreePaths are not stable over changes to
the model, so get on with using path
right away.
- Since:
- 4.0.7
- Author:
- Vreixo Formoso
void onRowExpanded(TreeView source,
TreeIter iter,
TreePath path)