java-gnome version 4.0.19

Class TreeStore

  extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Pointer
      extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Proxy
          extended by org.gnome.glib.Object
              extended by org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
                  extended by org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
All Implemented Interfaces:
TreeDragDest, TreeDragSource, TreeSortable

public class TreeStore
extends TreeModel
implements TreeDragSource, TreeDragDest, TreeSortable

A TreeModel that stores its data in a hierarchical tree. TreeStore is a concrete TreeModel subclass where rows can also have other rows that are children. This model is suitable for hierarchical data where each row has a parent and a list of children. If you just want to store a list of rows (ie, plain tabular data), ListStore is a more appropriate choice.

Instantiating a TreeStore is done identically as with a ListStore, by specifying an array of DataColumns. For example, given:

 final TreeStore model;
 final DataColumnString place;
you would build a model as follows:
 model = new TreeStore(new DataColumn[] {
         place = new DataColumnString(),
The caveat described in ListStore applies here; don't declare your model as abstract type TreeModel; keep them as concrete type TreeStore so you can get to the TreeStore specific methods for adding rows and navigating the hierarchy.

To add a new row at the top level of the hierarchy, you just use appendRow() as you have seen with ListStore:

 parent = model.appendRow();
 model.setValue(parent, place, "Europe");
If, however, you want to add a new row as a child of an existing row, you need to use the appendChild() method instead:
 child = model.appendRow(parent);
 model.setValue(child, place, "London");
 child = model.appendRow(parent);
 model.setValue(child, place, "Paris");
passing the TreeIter representing the parent you wish to create a child under.

You may also want to read the discussion at TreePath to understand how to address a particular row in a given TreeStore. You will also probably want to be aware of TreeView's expandRow(), expandAll(), and corresponding collapse methods.

Vreixo Formoso, Andrew Cowie

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
Constructor Summary
TreeStore(DataColumn[] types)
          Construct a new TreeStore with the given column types.
Method Summary
 TreeIter appendChild(TreeIter parent)
          Append a new row after the last child of the given row.
 TreeIter appendRow()
          Append a new row at the top level of this TreeStore.
 void clear()
          Remove all elements from this TreeStore.
 TreeIter insertRow(TreeIter parent, int position)
          Insert a new row in the TreeStore.
 TreeIter insertRow(TreeIter parent, TreeIter sibling)
          Insert a new row in the TreeStore.
 TreeIter iterChildren(TreeIter row)
          Get the children of the given row, if any.
 boolean iterHasChild(TreeIter row)
          Returns whether the given row has at least one child row.
 TreeIter iterParent(TreeIter row)
          Get the parent of the given row, assuming there is one.
 boolean removeRow(TreeIter row)
          Delete a row from the TreeStore.
 void setSortColumn(DataColumn column, SortType ordering)
          Specify the column from your (underlying) data model which will be used for sorting this TreeModelSort.
Methods inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
connect, getIter, getIterFirst, getPath, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, getValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue
Methods inherited from class org.freedesktop.bindings.Pointer
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TreeStore(DataColumn[] types)
Construct a new TreeStore with the given column types. See DataColumn for details. You must include at least one DataColumn in your types array (you can't have a TreeStore with no columns).

Method Detail


public TreeIter appendChild(TreeIter parent)
Append a new row after the last child of the given row. You'll need to fill in the various columns with one of the various setValue() methods, of course.

To add a top level row, use appendRow().

parent - The row to which a new child will be added.
A pointer to the newly created child row.


public TreeIter appendRow()
Append a new row at the top level of this TreeStore. If what you want is to add a row as a child of an already existing row, you use appendChild(parent).

A pointer to the newly created top level row.


public void clear()
Remove all elements from this TreeStore.



public TreeIter insertRow(TreeIter parent,
                          int position)
Insert a new row in the TreeStore. The row will be placed as a child of parent at the position specified. If parent is null then the new row will be inserted at the top level of the TreeStore.



public TreeIter insertRow(TreeIter parent,
                          TreeIter sibling)
Insert a new row in the TreeStore. The empty row will be a child of parent and will be placed in front of the supplied sibling.



public TreeIter iterChildren(TreeIter row)
Get the children of the given row, if any.

You can use the returned TreeIter to iterate on children rows as follows:

 child = model.iterChildren(row);
 if (child == null) {
 do {
     // do something with child row
 } while (child.iterNext());
which works because iterating with a TreeIter will only iterate over the rows that are siblings, ie, are at the same level of the hierarchy.

A TreeIter pointing at the first child of this row, or null if the row has no children.


public boolean iterHasChild(TreeIter row)
Returns whether the given row has at least one child row.

You can use iterChildren() to get the actual children.

true if the specified row has one or more children, false otherwise.


public TreeIter iterParent(TreeIter row)
Get the parent of the given row, assuming there is one.

The parent row, or null if this row has no parent.


public boolean removeRow(TreeIter row)
Delete a row from the TreeStore. If there is another row after this at this level then true will be returned and the TreeIter will still be valid. Otherwise, false is returned and row is invalidated.



public void setSortColumn(DataColumn column,
                          SortType ordering)
Description copied from interface: TreeSortable
Specify the column from your (underlying) data model which will be used for sorting this TreeModelSort. Specify ASCENDING or DESCENDING order via the ordering parameter.

Specified by:
setSortColumn in interface TreeSortable
