java-gnome version 4.0.19

Class CalendarDisplayOptions

  extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Constant
      extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Flag
          extended by org.gnome.gtk.CalendarDisplayOptions

public final class CalendarDisplayOptions
extends org.freedesktop.bindings.Flag

These options are used to modify the display and behaviour of a Calendar Widget.

You can specify one or several of these using the method setDisplayOptions() in Calendar.

Vreixo Formoso

Field Summary
static CalendarDisplayOptions NO_MONTH_CHANGE
          Prevents the user from switching months (and years) with the Calendar widget, forcing it to display only whichever month has been set by the programmer.
static CalendarDisplayOptions SHOW_DAY_NAMES
          Whether to show the names of the days in the Calendar.
static CalendarDisplayOptions SHOW_HEADING
          When set the Calendar will display a heading showing with the current year and month.
static CalendarDisplayOptions SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS
          Displays the week number (relative to the start of the current year) down the left side of the Calendar.
Method Summary
static CalendarDisplayOptions or(CalendarDisplayOptions one, CalendarDisplayOptions two)
          Returns a CalendarDisplayOptions object that contains all options specified by the two given arguments.
Methods inherited from class org.freedesktop.bindings.Flag
Methods inherited from class org.freedesktop.bindings.Constant
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final CalendarDisplayOptions NO_MONTH_CHANGE
Prevents the user from switching months (and years) with the Calendar widget, forcing it to display only whichever month has been set by the programmer.


public static final CalendarDisplayOptions SHOW_DAY_NAMES
Whether to show the names of the days in the Calendar. The default is for them not to appear.


public static final CalendarDisplayOptions SHOW_HEADING
When set the Calendar will display a heading showing with the current year and month.

So long as NO_MONTH_CHANGE is not specified, the user can change both the month and the year shown in the Calendar using little arrows that will appear in the header.


public static final CalendarDisplayOptions SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS
Displays the week number (relative to the start of the current year) down the left side of the Calendar.

Method Detail


public static CalendarDisplayOptions or(CalendarDisplayOptions one,
                                        CalendarDisplayOptions two)
Returns a CalendarDisplayOptions object that contains all options specified by the two given arguments. It can be thought as the logical OR between the two Flags.
