java-gnome version 4.0.19

Interface Widget.ButtonPressEvent

Enclosing class:

public static interface Widget.ButtonPressEvent

Signal fired when the user clicks one of their mouse buttons.

Typically, you will use this to do something specific on a mouse click, for example popping up a context menu in response to a "right-click" anywhere in Window w,

 w.connect(new Widget.ButtonPressEvent() {
     boolean onButtonPressEvent(Widget source, EventButton event) {
         if (event.getButton() == MouseButton.RIGHT) {
             // popup menu
         return false;

Like all event signals, you only return true if you are intercepting this event and want to prevent the default handlers in GTK from running.

The signal emitted when the user lets the button go is Widget.ButtonReleaseEvent.

Note that this signal doesn't apply just to the user clicking on a Button Widget. Indeed, "left-click" on a Button will cause Button.Clicked to be emitted, and you should use that in preference for normal purposes.

Andrew Cowie

Method Summary
 boolean onButtonPressEvent(Widget source, EventButton event)

Method Detail


boolean onButtonPressEvent(Widget source,
                           EventButton event)
