java-gnome version 4.0.19

Interface StatusIcon.PopupMenu

Enclosing class:

public static interface StatusIcon.PopupMenu

The signal emitted when the user brings up the context menu of the StatusIcon.

Method Summary
 void onPopupMenu(StatusIcon source, int button, int activateTime)
          The signal emitted when the user right-clicks on the StatusIcon.

Method Detail


void onPopupMenu(StatusIcon source,
                 int button,
                 int activateTime)
The signal emitted when the user right-clicks on the StatusIcon. You're almost certain to want to be bringing up a context menu in that case, so see Menu's popup() for details of how to do it.

The two additional parameters in the handler prototype are described below, but we disregard them and they may be removed in a future version of java-gnome.

button - the button that was pressed, or 0 if the signal is not emitted in response to a button press event.
activateTime - the timestamp of the event that triggered the signal emission.
