java-gnome version 4.0.19

Class RadioButton

  extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Pointer
      extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Proxy
          extended by org.gnome.glib.Object
              extended by org.gnome.gtk.Object
                  extended by org.gnome.gtk.Widget
                      extended by org.gnome.gtk.Container
                          extended by org.gnome.gtk.Bin
                              extended by org.gnome.gtk.Button
                                  extended by org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
                                      extended by org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
                                          extended by org.gnome.gtk.RadioButton
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RadioButton
extends CheckButton

A special kind of CheckButton used to select from a mutually exclusive set of options.

A RadioButton is somewhat similar to a CheckButton, but it is shown as an empty circle (rather than an empty square) and the selected Button in the group us shown with a dot inside (rather than a check mark).

However, while a CheckButton can be used alone to choose between two states, a RadioButton is used together in a group of other (related) RadioButtons to offer a choice of one of those Buttons. Only a single Button in a group can the active at any one time.

To create a group of RadioButtons, you first create a RadioGroup and then construct the RadioButtons passing them that group object.

 RadioGroup group;
 RadioButton opt1, opt2, opt3;
 group = new RadioGroup();
 opt1 = new RadioButton(group, "Option _1");
 opt2 = new RadioButton(group, "Option _2");
 opt3 = new RadioButton(group, "Option _3");
You can get the active option at any time with RadioButtonGroup's getActive() method. And while you can still connect a handler to the ToggleButton's TOGGLED signal, the GROUP_TOGGLED signal is provided as a convenience.

You should generally place related RadioButtons together, better if disposed vertically, as this makes them easier to scan visually - in other words, pack them into a VBox. It is also frequently a good idea to place a descriptive Label at the top of the Container holding the RadioButtons. A Frame is a possible way to fit both requirements, as you can use it to place the RadioButtons altogether with a Label at the top:

 Frame option;
 VBox buttons;
 // Create a Frame with a descriptive Label and without outline...
 option = new Frame("Option:");
 // ... and with a VBox to layout the RadioButtons
 buttons = new VBox(false, 2);

In your applications you will usually use RadioButtons you have two or more mutually exclusive values for an option. Note that if such values are equivalent to the concept of enable/disable a given option, CheckButton or ToggleButton are probably a better alternative. In the same way, if you have too many possible values, you should consider using a ComboBox instead, or even think about the possibility of simplifying your user interface.

Vreixo Formoso, Andrew Cowie

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Widget.ButtonPressEvent, Widget.ButtonReleaseEvent, Widget.EnterNotifyEvent, Widget.ExposeEvent, Widget.FocusInEvent, Widget.FocusOutEvent, Widget.Hide, Widget.KeyPressEvent, Widget.KeyReleaseEvent, Widget.LeaveNotifyEvent, Widget.MapEvent, Widget.MotionNotifyEvent, Widget.PopupMenu, Widget.ScrollEvent, Widget.UnmapEvent, Widget.VisibilityNotifyEvent
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Object
Constructor Summary
RadioButton(RadioGroup group, String label)
          Create a new RadioButton with the given label.
Method Summary
 RadioGroup getGroup()
          Get the RadioGroup that encloses this RadioButton and the others that belonging to the same mutual exclusion group.
Methods inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
connect, getActive, setActive
Methods inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Button
connect, emitClicked, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getImage, getLabel, getRelatedAction, getRelief, setAlignment, setFocusOnClick, setImage, setLabel, setRelatedAction, setRelief
Methods inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Bin
Methods inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Container
add, getChildren, remove, setBorderWidth
Methods inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
activate, addEvents, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, getAllocation, getCanDefault, getCanFocus, getHasFocus, getName, getParent, getRequisition, getSensitive, getToplevel, getWindow, grabAdd, grabDefault, grabFocus, grabRemove, hide, isSensitive, modifyBackground, modifyBase, modifyFont, modifyText, queueDraw, queueDrawArea, realize, setCanDefault, setCanFocus, setColormap, setEvents, setName, setSensitive, setSizeRequest, setTooltipMarkup, setTooltipText, show, showAll
Methods inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Object
connect, destroy
Methods inherited from class org.freedesktop.bindings.Pointer
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RadioButton(RadioGroup group,
                   String label)
Create a new RadioButton with the given label. It will be placed in its own group, you submit it later to the constructors of other Buttons that should be in the same group.

label - The label that will be placed near the RadioButton. If the text contains an underscore (_) it will be taken to be the mnemonic for the Widget.
Method Detail


public RadioGroup getGroup()
Get the RadioGroup that encloses this RadioButton and the others that belonging to the same mutual exclusion group.

