java-gnome version 4.0.19

Interface Widget.VisibilityNotifyEvent

Enclosing class:

public static interface Widget.VisibilityNotifyEvent

A signal providing notification that the Widget has been obscured or unobscured. To use this, go through the supplied event parameter to get to the VisibilityState as follows:

 foo.connect(new Widget.VisibilityNotifyEvent() {
     public boolean onVisibilityNotifyEvent(Widget source, EventVisibility event) {
         VisibilityState state = event.getState();
         if (state == VisibilityState.FULLY_OBSCURED) {
     return false;
See VisibilityState for the constants describing the possible three possible changes to an underlying element's visibility. See also Widget.UnmapEvent for a discussion of how this can be used to actively toggle the presentation of a Window to the user.

Andrew Cowie

Method Summary
 boolean onVisibilityNotifyEvent(Widget source, EventVisibility event)
          Although this is an event-signal, this merely reports information coming from the underlying X11 windowing system.

Method Detail


boolean onVisibilityNotifyEvent(Widget source,
                                EventVisibility event)
Although this is an event-signal, this merely reports information coming from the underlying X11 windowing system. Since a window being obscured by another application's window is not something you can control (short of requesting the Window holding this Widget always be on-top), it's not entirely clear what good it would do to block further emission of this signal. Return false!
