java-gnome version 4.0.19

Class TreeSelection

  extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Pointer
      extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Proxy
          extended by org.gnome.glib.Object
              extended by org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection

public class TreeSelection
extends Object

Manipulate the selection state of a TreeView. Every TreeView has an accompanying TreeSelection object which is used to manage whether or not rows can be selected, and to return to the programmer the current state of which rows are selected, if any.

TreeSelection can be used to programmatically select rows by either TreeIter or TreePath; see the selectRow() methods. For example, to select the first row you could do:

 final TreeSelection selection;
 selection = view.getSelection();
 selection.selectRow(new TreePath("0"));

Using TreeSelection to determine the currently selected row is fairly straight forward:

 selection.connect(new TreeSelection.Changed() {
     public void onChanged(TreeSelection source) {
         final TreeIter row;
         row = selection.getSelected();
         if (row != null) {
             // do something!
Unfortunately, the TreeSelection.Changed signal is not entirely deterministic; it is sometimes emitted more than once or for no change at all. You'll need to allow for this in your code.

Mostly this is an API helper; the underlying documentation notes that these could have all been methods on GtkTreeView.

Andrew Cowie, Guillaume Mazoyer

Nested Class Summary
static interface TreeSelection.Changed
          Emitted when the selection state of the TreeView changes.
Method Summary
 void connect(TreeSelection.Changed handler)
          Hook up a TreeSelection.Changed signal handler.
 SelectionMode getMode()
          Get the mode that is governing selection behaviour on this TreeView.
 TreeIter getSelected()
          Get the selected row from the TreeView.
 TreePath[] getSelectedRows()
          Get the rows currently selected from the TreeView.
 boolean isSelected(TreePath path)
          Return true if the currently selected row is pointed by path.
 void selectRow(TreeIter row)
          Select a row in the TreeView.
 void selectRow(TreePath path)
          Select a row in the TreeView.
 void setMode(SelectionMode type)
          Set what kinds of selections are allowed.
 void unselectAll()
          Unselect all the rows in the TreeView.
Methods inherited from class org.freedesktop.bindings.Pointer
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void connect(TreeSelection.Changed handler)
Hook up a TreeSelection.Changed signal handler.


public SelectionMode getMode()
Get the mode that is governing selection behaviour on this TreeView.


public TreeIter getSelected()
Get the selected row from the TreeView. Note that this only works when the selection mode is SINGLE or BROWSE.

null if there is no currently selected row.


public TreePath[] getSelectedRows()
Get the rows currently selected from the TreeView. This is specially useful when the selection mode is MULTIPLE. Otherwise getSelected() offers a more convenient way to obtain the selected row.

You can use the TreeModel's getIter() method to convert the returned TreePaths to the more convenient TreeIter:

 TreePath[] rows;
 TreeSelection selection;
 TreeModel model;
 rows = selection.getSelectedRows();
 for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
     TreeIter row = model.getIter(rows[i]);
     // do something with the row

Also remember that both TreeIter and TreePath are temporally objects no longer valid once you make any change to the model. Thus, if you plan to modify the model, you may want to convert the returned TreePaths to TreeRowReferences.

An array with the selected rows. If no row is selected, the arrays will be empty.


public boolean isSelected(TreePath path)
Return true if the currently selected row is pointed by path.



public void selectRow(TreeIter row)
Select a row in the TreeView. We offer two forms; this one which takes a TreeIter corresponding to a row in the underlying model, and another which takes a TreePath; see selectRow(TreePath).


public void selectRow(TreePath path)
Select a row in the TreeView. We offer two forms; this one which takes a TreePath and one which takes a TreeIter; see selectRow(TreeIter) for the other. Use this one if you have want to express expressing the row you want selected in abstract, logical form.


public void setMode(SelectionMode type)
Set what kinds of selections are allowed. The interesting constants you'll use most often are NONE and MULTIPLE since SINGLE is the default. See SelectionMode for the details of the behaviour implied by each option.


public void unselectAll()
Unselect all the rows in the TreeView. Useful to ensure the initial state of the TreeView is that no rows are selected, however you may find you have to wait until after the Window is mapped.
