java-gnome version 4.0.19

Interface Button.Clicked

Enclosing class:

public static interface Button.Clicked

Event generated when a user presses and releases a button, causing it to activate.

When the mouse is used to click on a Button this signal will be emitted, but only if the cursor is still in the Button when the mouse button is released. You're probably used to this behaviour without realizing it.

All about signal handling

Use an anonymous inner class

In general, the way that java-gnome is intended to be used is for you to create an anonymous inner class right where you call the connect() method to hook up the signal. A typical example is as follows:

 final Button b;
 b.connect(new Button.Clicked() {
     public void onClicked(Button source) {
This is the form we recommend; it has the advantage that your handler code is close to the code that declares and configures the Widget. Also, if variables are declared final then you can access them from within the nested anonymous class, and that makes things easy indeed.

Using a concrete instance

If you have more complex code, perhaps that you need to reuse across several Widgets, then you can of course create a concrete class that implements Button.Clicked and then use instances of it if you have highly complicated algorithms to implement:

 class ComplexHandler implements Button.Clicked
     private int field;
     ComplexHandler(int param) {
         this.field = param;
     public void onClicked(Button source) {
and then when you construct the Button:
 b = new Button();
 b.connect(new ComplexHandler(42));
You can just as easily declare one and reuse it if you want to apply the same logic to a series of Button; this is where the source parameter that every signal callback signature includes.
 final ComplexHandler handler;
 handler = new ComplexHandler(42);


If you implement Button.Clicked in the class you're currently working on, then you use a technique called "self-delegation" which can be useful in certain circumstances:

This has disadvantage that you can only have one onClicked() method in your class, so if you have lots of Buttons then you lose the benefit of being able to connect different handlers to different Buttons.

We recommend you use anonymous inner classes in-place whenever possible. In our experience, having the handler logic next to the code that declares an instance dramatically improves readability.

Andrew Cowie

Method Summary
 void onClicked(Button source)

Method Detail


void onClicked(Button source)
