java-gnome version 4.0.19

Class TextView

  extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Pointer
      extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Proxy
          extended by org.gnome.glib.Object
              extended by org.gnome.gtk.Object
                  extended by org.gnome.gtk.Widget
                      extended by org.gnome.gtk.Container
                          extended by org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TextView
extends Container

A multi-line text display Widget. GTK leverages the powerful text rendering capability provided by the Pango library. This is used throughout the toolkit, but nowhere more so that when displaying multiple lines of text in a single Widget. TextView is the view part of GTK's model-view-controller pattern text display Widget, with a TextBuffer supplying the underlying data model.

TextView can be used for passive display of multiple lines of text by disabling the editable property. Usually, however, a text canvas is used for entering or editing text and the TextView/TextBuffer APIs combine to provide a powerful editing capability.


Having instantiated a TextBuffer to store and programmatically manipulate the text, you create a TextView as follows:
 TextBuffer buffer;
 TextView view;
 ScrolledWindow scroll;
 view = new TextView(buffer);
Most people want the text to wrap. This is enabled by setting a WrapMode but something must act to restrain the horizontal width of the TextView Widget as it will size-request as much space as would be needed to render a single line. Likewise, wrapping is usually combined with scrolling, and this can be set up in a fairly straight forward fashion:
 scroll = new ScrolledWindow();
 scroll.setPolicy(PolicyType.NEVER, PolicyType.ALWAYS);
 window.setDefaultSize(300, 700);
then packing the ScrolledWindow into a parent Container hierarchy. In example shown here the call to setDefaultSize() on the toplevel would constrain the overall Window size, forcing a narrow size-allocation on the TextView.

As with TextBuffer, TextIters are the mechanism used to point to locations within the displayed text. There are numerous methods here on TextView which manipulate the displayed view (for example scrollTo()) many of which take a TextIter as an indicator of position. Don't be confused that the TextIters are somehow different depending on their source; they always refer to a position in a TextBuffer but are often translated to also identify a screen position in the TextView. You will often find yourself getting a TextIter from the TextBuffer (perhaps in response to a TextBuffer.Changed or TextBuffer.InsertText emission) and then switching over to here and calling TextView methods - and then going back to TextBuffer again a moment later.


TextTags are what are use to cause ranges of text within a TextView to appear with various formatting (bold, italics, colour, etc) over and above being displayed as normal text. You apply such tags to the TextBuffer either when insert()ing or with applyTag(). See TextTag for details and examples.

Incidentally, if you need to change the font of the text being rendered in this TextView by default use Widget's modifyFont(), for example:

 desc = new FontDescription("Monospace, 12");
see FontDescription for all the gory details. As usual, we recommend that you do not do this without good cause, instead leaving the application font to be what the user has selected the system Appearance Preferences font settings dialog provided by GNOME.

Line height calculations

Working out the heights for each line of text in the TextView and doing related positioning can, at times, be computationally intensive. So GTK does this in a background idle task.

Ordinarily you don't have to worry about this, but methods like getLineY() will not report correct information until this has happened. If you are doing drawing based on the co-ordinates of a given line in the TEXT Window of the TextView, it is easy to be trapped by this: you hook up to the TextBuffer.Changed thinking that you can use this as an indication of when the TextView has changed, but unfortunately this turns out not to be the case. TextBuffer.Changed is indeed emitted, but the information returned by getLineY() will not have been updated until after the current signal handlers finish and the high-priority idle task can run.

Studying the internal implementation of this logic in GTK, it turns out that the bulk of the work to do validation of the line height calculations and text placement happens in code paths triggered off of Adjustment.ValueChanged (which is emitted, for example, when scrolling occurs). Thus there does seem to be a way to trick the TreeView into getting on with the revalidation early, and that is to emit Adjustment.ValueChanged yourself. So, given the usual TextView/TextBuffer fields and an Adjustment:

 final TextView view;
 final TextBuffer buffer;
 final ScrolledWindow scroll;
 final Adjustment vadj;
and assuming view has been packed into scroll, etc, you can get the Adjustment and use it changing as the trigger to do your redrawing logic:
 vadj = scroll.getVAdjustment();
 vadj.connect(new Adjustment.ValueChanged() {
     public void onValueChanged(Adjustment source) {
         // now the line heights will be correct
That works for when real scrolling happens, but if you need to precipitate matters, use Adjustment's emitValueChanged() to fire the Adjustment.ValueChanged signal:
 buffer.connect(new TextBuffer.Changed() {
     public void onChanged(TextBuffer source) {
 window.connect(new Window.ConfigureEvent() {
     public boolean onConfigureEvent(Widget source, EventConfigure event) {
         return false;
and so on.

A possible alternative to the above workaround is to iterate the main loop; See Gtk.mainIterationDo().

Obviously "internal to GTK" implies that we are second guessing the implementation details. This workaround is not based on documented public behaviour, and unfortunately is not guaranteed to be stable. So as we say in Open Source, Your Mileage May Vary. Perhaps GTK will improve this aspect of the library in the future.


You can add spellchecking capability to the TextView with a single line of code.
The given code will determine the spellchecker language based on LANG environment variable and fall back to English if it can't.

Stefan Prelle, Andrew Cowie, Serkan Kaba

Nested Class Summary
static interface TextView.PopulatePopup
          Signal emitted by GTK allowing you to populate MenuItems into the popup context menu displayed by a TextView (typically in response to the user right-clicking).
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Widget.ButtonPressEvent, Widget.ButtonReleaseEvent, Widget.EnterNotifyEvent, Widget.ExposeEvent, Widget.FocusInEvent, Widget.FocusOutEvent, Widget.Hide, Widget.KeyPressEvent, Widget.KeyReleaseEvent, Widget.LeaveNotifyEvent, Widget.MapEvent, Widget.MotionNotifyEvent, Widget.PopupMenu, Widget.ScrollEvent, Widget.UnmapEvent, Widget.VisibilityNotifyEvent
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Object
Constructor Summary
          Create an empty TextView without (yet) having an associated TextBuffer.
TextView(TextBuffer buffer)
          Create a TextView and display the contents of the TextBuffer.
Method Summary
 void add(Widget child, TextIter position)
          Load a Widget into the TextView at the given position.
 void add(Widget child, TextWindowType which, int x, int y)
          Place a child Widget into one of the optional side panels around a TextView.
 void attachSpell()
          Create and attach a Spell object to the view to add spellchecking capability.
 void attachSpell(String lang)
          Create and attach a Spell object to the view to add spellchecking capability in the given language.
 void connect(TextView.PopulatePopup handler)
          Hook up a handler to receive TextView.PopulatePopup signals on this TextView.
 int convertBufferToWindowCoordsX(TextWindowType which, int X)
          Convert X from buffer co-ordinates to window co-ordinates.
 int convertBufferToWindowCoordsY(TextWindowType which, int Y)
          The canvas that is used to present the text in a TextView has an origin at 0,0 that is at the top left corner. and extends for as many pixels as would be necessary to present the entire TextBuffer if it were shown on an arbitrarily large screen without scrolling.
 int convertWindowToBufferCoordsX(TextWindowType which, int x)
          Convert a horizontal position from window co-ordinates (the on screen position) to buffer co-ordinates (the pixel distance into the canvas used to describe the entire text being displayed).
 int convertWindowToBufferCoordsY(TextWindowType which, int y)
          Convert a vertical position from window co-ordinates to buffer co-ordinates.
 TextBuffer getBuffer()
          Get the TextBuffer currently underlying this TextView.
 boolean getCursorVisible()
          Returns whether the cursor is currently visible or not.
 boolean getEditable()
          Get whether the default editability of the TextView.
 TextIter getIterAtLocation(int X, int Y)
          Get a TextIter corresponding to a given location in the canvas that is displayed by the TextView.
 int getLineRange(TextIter position)
          This is the compliment of getLineY(), giving you the corresponding line height that drops from the top specified by that method.
 int getLineY(TextIter position)
          Get the y co-ordinate of the line holding the supplied position.
 Rectangle getLocation(TextIter pointer)
          Get a Rectangle enclosing the screen position of the given TreeIter.
 Spell getSpell()
          Get the Spell helper object attached to the view.
 Rectangle getVisibleRectangle()
          Get the Rectangle describing what portion of the text canvas the viewport is currently showing.
 Window getWindow(TextWindowType which)
          Get the underlying resource corresponding with one of the sub elements of this TextView.
 WrapMode getWrapMode()
          Get the line wrapping for the view.
 void moveChild(Widget child, int x, int y)
          Change the co-ordinates of a child Widget in one of the optional side panels.
 void placeCursorOnscreen()
          Move the cursor (ie, the insert TextMark in the current source TextBuffer) so that is is showing somewhere in the section of text currently displayed in the viewport.
 void scrollTo(TextIter pointer)
          Scroll the viewport so that pointer is visible.
 void scrollTo(TextIter pointer, double withinMargin, double xalign, double yalign)
          Scroll the viewport so that pointer is visible, attempting to fine tune the result of the scrolling.
 void scrollTo(TextMark mark)
          Scroll the viewport so that mark is visible.
 void scrollTo(TextMark mark, double withinMargin, double xalign, double yalign)
          Scroll the viewport so that mark is visible.
 void setAcceptsTab(boolean setting)
          Set the behaviour when the Tab key is pressed.
 void setBorderWindowSize(TextWindowType which, int size)
          Set the size (width for LEFT and RIGHT and height for TOP and BOTTOM) of the specified side panels.
 void setBuffer(TextBuffer buffer)
          Set or replace the TextBuffer that is currently being displayed by this TextView.
 void setCursorVisible(boolean visible)
          Allows you to activate or deactivate the visible cursor.
 void setEditable(boolean editable)
          Set whether the normal state of this TextView is to allow editing or not.
 void setJustify(Justification setting)
          Tell this TextView to adopt the given justification.
 void setMarginLeft(int pixels)
          Set the padding to appear on the left side of the text.
 void setMarginRight(int pixels)
          Set the padding to appear on the right side of the text.
 void setPaddingAboveParagraph(int pixels)
          Set the padding that will be put above each paragraph of text in the TextView.
 void setPaddingBelowParagraph(int pixels)
          Set the padding that will be put below each paragraph of text in the TextView.
 void setPaddingInsideParagraph(int pixels)
          Set the padding that will be put between each line in a paragraph if wrapping is turned on.
 void setWrapMode(WrapMode mode)
          Set the line wrapping for the view.
Methods inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Container
add, getChildren, remove, setBorderWidth
Methods inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
activate, addEvents, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, getAllocation, getCanDefault, getCanFocus, getHasFocus, getName, getParent, getRequisition, getSensitive, getToplevel, getWindow, grabAdd, grabDefault, grabFocus, grabRemove, hide, isSensitive, modifyBackground, modifyBase, modifyFont, modifyText, queueDraw, queueDrawArea, realize, setCanDefault, setCanFocus, setColormap, setEvents, setName, setSensitive, setSizeRequest, setTooltipMarkup, setTooltipText, show, showAll
Methods inherited from class org.gnome.gtk.Object
connect, destroy
Methods inherited from class org.freedesktop.bindings.Pointer
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TextView()
Create an empty TextView without (yet) having an associated TextBuffer. Use setBuffer() to indicate later which TextBuffer to use.



public TextView(TextBuffer buffer)
Create a TextView and display the contents of the TextBuffer.

Method Detail


public void add(Widget child,
                TextIter position)
Load a Widget into the TextView at the given position.

A very impressive feature of TextViews is that you can embed Widgets into them! You supply the position where you want the Widget to be anchored, and the Widget will appear in the display amidst the rest of your text. Don't forget to show() the Widget you're adding or it won't appear.

There is an insert() method available on TextBuffer which wraps this; you may find it more convenient.

The underlying library is somewhat convoluted about this due to the fact that more than one TextView can be displaying a given TextBuffer, but a Widget can only appear in one parent Container. GTK uses an intermediate called TextChildAnchor to bridge between TextView and TextBuffer; we take care of handling that for you.



public void add(Widget child,
                TextWindowType which,
                int x,
                int y)
Place a child Widget into one of the optional side panels around a TextView. This is an advanced feature; see TextWindowType for a full discussion.

The Widget child will be placed at the coordinates x,y in the [org.gnome.gdk] Window specified by which. You can get that Window by calling TextView's variant of getWindow().

This cannot be used unless which has been initialized to have a non-zero size with setBorderWindowSize().

This feature seems somewhat poorly implemented in the underlying library. While we have fully exposed it, testing showed it to be rather difficult to use reliably. Sorry we can't do better for you.



public void attachSpell()
Create and attach a Spell object to the view to add spellchecking capability.

The language is chosen based on the value of LANG environment variable.



public void attachSpell(String lang)
Create and attach a Spell object to the view to add spellchecking capability in the given language.

You're probably just as well to call attachSpell() and accept the default.



public void connect(TextView.PopulatePopup handler)
Hook up a handler to receive TextView.PopulatePopup signals on this TextView. This will be emitted each time the user right-clicks or presses the Menu key, and allows you to populate the popup menu according to the current circumstances - in other words, making it a context menu.



public int convertBufferToWindowCoordsX(TextWindowType which,
                                        int X)
Convert X from buffer co-ordinates to window co-ordinates. See convertBufferToWindowCoordsY() for a detailed discussion.



public int convertBufferToWindowCoordsY(TextWindowType which,
                                        int Y)
The canvas that is used to present the text in a TextView has an origin at 0,0 that is at the top left corner. and extends for as many pixels as would be necessary to present the entire TextBuffer if it were shown on an arbitrarily large screen without scrolling.

In most cases, the text shown will require an area larger than the viewport provided by the primary area of the TextView. Even without scrollbars (which can be added by putting the TextView into a ScrolledWindow), the viewport showing the text will slide when the cursor is moved down from the start position and into the body of text. Thus you can be at a position in buffer co-ordinates that is far "greater" than the size of the [org.gnome.gdk] Window that displays it.

Numerous methods, notably getLineY(), return a value in buffer co-ordinates. If you need to determine what position this represents on screen, you need to convert to window co-ordinates which are relative to the top left corner of the [org.gnome.gdk] Window being used to present the text on screen. This method will carry out that conversion for the vertical axis. See convertBufferToWindowCoordsX() for the corresponding horizontal conversion.



public int convertWindowToBufferCoordsX(TextWindowType which,
                                        int x)
Convert a horizontal position from window co-ordinates (the on screen position) to buffer co-ordinates (the pixel distance into the canvas used to describe the entire text being displayed). See convertBufferToWindowCoordsY() for a detailed discussion.



public int convertWindowToBufferCoordsY(TextWindowType which,
                                        int y)
Convert a vertical position from window co-ordinates to buffer co-ordinates. See convertBufferToWindowCoordsY() for a detailed discussion.



public TextBuffer getBuffer()
Get the TextBuffer currently underlying this TextView.



public boolean getCursorVisible()
Returns whether the cursor is currently visible or not.



public boolean getEditable()
Get whether the default editability of the TextView. Tags in the buffer may override this setting for some ranges of text.



public TextIter getIterAtLocation(int X,
                                  int Y)
Get a TextIter corresponding to a given location in the canvas that is displayed by the TextView. X,Y are in buffer co-ordinates; if you have a position into the [org.gnome.gdk] Window then use convertWindowToBufferCoordsY() to convert.



public int getLineRange(TextIter position)
This is the compliment of getLineY(), giving you the corresponding line height that drops from the top specified by that method.

Line height values are cached by are not immediately refreshed when the underlying TextBuffer changes; see the comment titled "Line Height Calculations" in the documentation for this class for discussion of when you can safely use this method.



public int getLineY(TextIter position)
Get the y co-ordinate of the line holding the supplied position. The value is in buffer co-ordinates, and refers to the top of the line. If you need to know how high the line is, call getLineRange().

The co-ordinates of the start of each line height are cached are not immediately updated when the underlying TextBuffer changes; see the comment titled "Line Height Calculations" in the documentation for this class for discussion of when you can safely use this method.



public Rectangle getLocation(TextIter pointer)
Get a Rectangle enclosing the screen position of the given TreeIter. This will be in buffer co-ordinates.

This is very useful in a TextBuffer.NotifyCursorPosition if you need to figure out where the cursor is so as to handle presentation of some external control accordingly.



public Spell getSpell()
Get the Spell helper object attached to the view.

Reasons you might need to use this are if you have to programatically change the language being used to spell check against with Spell's setLanguage(), or to force the checker to run again with its recheckAll(). You probably won't ever need either.

Obviously there isn't much point in asking for the Spell helper object if you haven't called attachSpell() to create one yet.



public Rectangle getVisibleRectangle()
Get the Rectangle describing what portion of the text canvas the viewport is currently showing. This is (only) relevant when scrollbars are employed.

If you consider the text being displayed as a canvas of a fixed size, but have turned on scrolling and only have a limited portion of that canvas displayed due to the Widget being sized smaller than that canvas, then the x,y co-ordinates returned in the Rectangle represent the current offset into that canvas that the viewport is showing.

If, for example, you only have vertical scrolling enabled,

 scroll = new ScrolledWindow();
 scroll.setPolicy(NEVER, ALWAYS);
then you can expect getVisibleRectangle() to always return Rectangles with an x offset value of 0 - the viewport is never scrolled horizontally into the text canvas.

The width and height will, more or less, correspond to the size of the area of text actually being displayed in the TextView.

See getLocation() if you need a Rectangle enclosing a given TextIter.



public Window getWindow(TextWindowType which)
Get the underlying resource corresponding with one of the sub elements of this TextView. See TextWindowType for a detailed discussion.



public WrapMode getWrapMode()
Get the line wrapping for the view.



public void moveChild(Widget child,
                      int x,
                      int y)
Change the co-ordinates of a child Widget in one of the optional side panels. x,y are specified in window co-ordinates.



public void placeCursorOnscreen()
Move the cursor (ie, the insert TextMark in the current source TextBuffer) so that is is showing somewhere in the section of text currently displayed in the viewport.



public void scrollTo(TextIter pointer)
Scroll the viewport so that pointer is visible. This will get the location specified onto the screen with as little scroll movement as possible. If you need finer grained control, use one of the other scrollTo() variants. variant.



public void scrollTo(TextIter pointer,
                     double withinMargin,
                     double xalign,
                     double yalign)
Scroll the viewport so that pointer is visible, attempting to fine tune the result of the scrolling. See the scrollTo() method taking a TextMark and the same parameters for a detailed discussion of their use.



public void scrollTo(TextMark mark)
Scroll the viewport so that mark is visible. This will have the effect of doing the minimum necessary scrolling to get the location specified by the TextMark onto the screen.

See also the full scrollTo() which takes additional parameters which may allow you to fine tune the result of the scrolling.



public void scrollTo(TextMark mark,
                     double withinMargin,
                     double xalign,
                     double yalign)
Scroll the viewport so that mark is visible.

The GTK documentation states that the the effective screen will be reduced by withinMargin. The acceptable range is 0.0 to 0.5. TODO It would be cool if someone could figure out what that actually means; the allowed range is clearly not a multiplier, so what is it?

The alignment parameters have the same meaning as elsewhere in GTK: 0.0 for top|right, 1.0 for bottom|left.

If you don't need to mess with margins or alignment, then just use the single arg scrollTo() method.

It turns out that much of TextView's processing is done in idle callbacks. In particular, this method only works correctly if the heights of each line have been computed and cached. Since doing so can be computationally expensive, it happens some time after text is actually inserted and thus may not be available yet. In theory the scrolling will be queued up, but you may notice odd effects.

This problem can crop up if you have newly populated a large amount of text into a TextView and want to force the viewport and cursor to be at the end of the text. One possible workaround: after doing the large insertAtCursor(), you might try the following:

 start = buffer.getIterStart();
before calling
 end = buffer.getIterEnd();
this may have the effect of causing the heights to be calculated.



public void setAcceptsTab(boolean setting)
Set the behaviour when the Tab key is pressed. The default is true, that a '\t' character will be inserted into the underlying TextBuffer. If you would rather that Tab causes the focus to change to the next Widget rather than inserting a tab, then set this to false.



public void setBorderWindowSize(TextWindowType which,
                                int size)
Set the size (width for LEFT and RIGHT and height for TOP and BOTTOM) of the specified side panels. You only need this if using the optional side panels, and obscure, advanced, and not wholly functional feature; see TextWindowType. If you're reading this and wanting to set the padding around the TextView, you probably want setBorderWidth(), a method inherited from Container.



public void setBuffer(TextBuffer buffer)
Set or replace the TextBuffer that is currently being displayed by this TextView.



public void setCursorVisible(boolean visible)
Allows you to activate or deactivate the visible cursor. Usually used to hide the cursor when displaying text that is non-editable. The default is true, indicating the cursor will be shown.



public void setEditable(boolean editable)
Set whether the normal state of this TextView is to allow editing or not. The default for the editability property is true.

Regardless of the default setting here, you can override this for specific regions of text with by applying TextTags with setEditable() set.



public void setJustify(Justification setting)
Tell this TextView to adopt the given justification.



public void setMarginLeft(int pixels)
Set the padding to appear on the left side of the text. The default is 0.

This sets the left-margin property in GTK.



public void setMarginRight(int pixels)
Set the padding to appear on the right side of the text. The default is 0.

This sets the right-margin property in GTK.



public void setPaddingAboveParagraph(int pixels)
Set the padding that will be put above each paragraph of text in the TextView. The default is 0; if you change this then the first line will be offset from the top edge of the TextView.

See also setPaddingBelowParagraph() and setPaddingInsideParagraph().

This sets the pixels-above-lines property in GTK.



public void setPaddingBelowParagraph(int pixels)
Set the padding that will be put below each paragraph of text in the TextView. The default is 0, ie for it just to continue with normal line spacing as specified by the current font metrics.

See also setPaddingAboveParagraph() and setPaddingInsideParagraph().

This sets the pixels-below-lines property in GTK.



public void setPaddingInsideParagraph(int pixels)
Set the padding that will be put between each line in a paragraph if wrapping is turned on. Wrapping happens as a result of enabling setWrapMode() along with something acting to restrict the width allocated to the TextView (for example, by placing it in a ScrolledWindow). When wrapping occurs, then a single line of text in a TextBuffer will become a paragraph of multiple lines in the TextView displaying it.

The default is 0, ie to leave the line spacing alone. If nothing is causing lines to wrap then this setting will have no effect.

See also setPaddingAboveParagraph() and setPaddingBelowParagraph() for the spacing before and after each paragraph (wrapped or not).

This sets the pixels-inside-wrap property in GTK.



public void setWrapMode(WrapMode mode)
Set the line wrapping for the view.

