java-gnome version 4.0.19

Class IconSize

  extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Constant
      extended by org.gnome.gtk.IconSize

public final class IconSize
extends org.freedesktop.bindings.Constant

Constants referring to the size of an icon. These are typically used when working with Stock icons, for example with the Image constructor that takes a Stock image identifier and one of these constants to specify the size you want.

We're rather deliberately not indicated the pixel dimensions associated with each IconSize constant, as this is the sort of thing that can evolve over time - and be theme dependant.

In some sense you don't need this; when working with Stock items in conjunction with Buttons or Menus, the images will be arranged to be the appropriate size automatically.

Andrew Cowie

Field Summary
static IconSize BUTTON
          The standard size used for icons on Buttons.
static IconSize DIALOG
static IconSize DND
static IconSize LARGE_TOOLBAR
          The size used for icons appearing in large (some would call this normal) size Toolbars.
static IconSize MENU
          The standard size used for icons appearing on Menus.
static IconSize SMALL_TOOLBAR
          The size used when Toolbars are being rendered in their smaller incarnation.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.freedesktop.bindings.Constant
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final IconSize BUTTON
The standard size used for icons on Buttons. See also Button.setImage(Image) for setting an image of arbitrary size.


public static final IconSize DIALOG


public static final IconSize DND


public static final IconSize LARGE_TOOLBAR
The size used for icons appearing in large (some would call this normal) size Toolbars.


public static final IconSize MENU
The standard size used for icons appearing on Menus. See ImageMenuItem.


public static final IconSize SMALL_TOOLBAR
The size used when Toolbars are being rendered in their smaller incarnation. Some have noted that icons created for this case bear a striking resemblance to the MENU size.
