java-gnome version 4.0.19

Interface Widget.MapEvent

Enclosing class:

public static interface Widget.MapEvent

The signal emitted when a Widget becomes visible on the screen.

This can be used as an indication that your Window is no longer minimized. Connecting to Widget.ExposeEvent would probably tell you what you need to know, but if all you want to do is find out your app is [back] onscreen then Widget.ExposeEvent would be a bit heavy handed. Of course, if you are drawing anyway, then it's fine. See Widget.UnmapEvent for examples of other variations on the theme of tracking the state of your application.

The interaction between the GTK library we use, its underlying GDK resource management layer, and the the X windowing system which GDK wraps, is complex. Sometimes there is more than one way to do things.

Andrew Cowie

Method Summary
 boolean onMapEvent(Widget source, Event event)
          Although this is an event-signal, this merely reports information coming from the underlying X11 windowing system.

Method Detail


boolean onMapEvent(Widget source,
                   Event event)
Although this is an event-signal, this merely reports information coming from the underlying X11 windowing system. It's information you can monitor, but don't try to block this signal. Return false!
