java-gnome version 4.0.19 | ||||
Class Summary | |
Bitmap | An offscreen Drawable of depth 1. |
CapStyle | |
Color | Representation of an RGB colour. |
Colormap | |
Colorspace | |
CrossingMode | Constants relating to the nature of the event when a mouse enters or leaves a GDK Window. |
Cursor | That which indicateth where your mouse is pointing! |
CursorType | Constants representing the different forms of Cursor that can indicate where the mouse is pointing. |
Device | |
Display | An X display, consisting of a keyboard, mouse, and one or more screens. |
DisplayManager | |
DragAction | |
DragContext | |
DragProtocol | |
Drawable | Drawable is notable for being the parent class of both
[org.gnome.gdk] Window (representing the native server-side
on-screen resources behind a Widget) and [org.gnome.gdk]
Pixmap (a general server-side but off-screen area you can draw to). |
Event | The events used to communicate data describing the internal details of activities that occur to or between GDK resources. |
EventAny | |
EventButton | Event data describing a button on a pointing device that was pressed or released. |
EventConfigure | Information about the (possibly changed) size and position of a Window on screen. |
EventCrossing | Event data describing a mouse entering or leaving a Window. |
EventDragAndDrop | |
EventExpose | Event generated when part or all of a [GDK] Window needs to be redrawn. |
EventFocus | |
EventKey | Event data describing a key press. |
EventMask | The events a Widget will receive. |
EventMotion | Event data describing the position of the mouse in the screen, when it is moved over a Widget. |
EventOwnerChange | Details about a selection that has been taken over. |
EventProperty | |
EventProximity | |
EventScroll | Event describing a mouse scroll operation. |
EventSelection | |
EventType | The type of a low-level Event received. |
EventVisibility | The data regarding an event related to the visibility of a Widget. |
EventWindowState | |
ExtensionMode | |
Fill | |
FillRule | |
FilterReturn | |
GCValues | |
GCValuesMask | |
Gdk | The backend to GTK which talks to the actual screen is GDK. |
Gdk.Lock | An inner class for the purely cosmetic purpose of giving an explicit name to the global GDK lock. |
Geometry | |
GrabStatus | |
Gravity | Gravity determines the location of the reference point in root window co-ordinates and which point of the Window is positioned at the reference point. |
InputCondition | |
InputMode | |
InputSource | |
InterpType | Interpolation algorithms available in GDK. |
KeymapKey | |
KeypadKeyval | Constants describing the keys on a keypad (also known as a number pad). |
Keyval | A key value as returned by a keyboard Event. |
LineStyle | |
ModifierType | Constants representing what modifier keys are being held down on a keystroke, if any. |
MouseButton | Constants representing which mouse button was pressed. |
NotifyType | The kind of motion in an EventCrossing. |
OverlapType | |
OwnerChange | Constants describing the reason a selection has changed ownership. |
PangoRenderer | |
Pixbuf | An image in memory. |
PixbufAlphaMode | |
PixbufAnimation | |
PixbufAnimationIter | |
PixbufError | |
PixbufFormat | Constants representing the image file formats that GDK is capable of writing to. |
PixbufLoader | |
PixbufRotation | |
PixbufSimpleAnim | |
PixbufSimpleAnimIter | |
Pixmap | An image as stored in the X server's memory. |
Plumbing | Provide handling for the special cases of the GdkEvent union. |
Point | |
PropertyState | |
PropMode | |
Rectangle | An object describing a rectangular area. |
Screen | Representation of a physical monitor screen. |
ScrollDirection | The direction of an EventScroll . |
SettingAction | |
SubwindowMode | |
VisibilityState | Constants indicating the current visibility of a Widget. |
Visual | |
VisualType | |
Window | The underlying native resource driving a rectangular region on a screen. |
WindowAttr | |
WindowAttributesType | |
WindowClass | |
WindowEdge | |
WindowHints | |
WindowState | Constants describing the state of an underlying resource. |
WindowTypeHint | Constants indicating hints you can provide to the window manager about what the nature and purpose of a given Window is. |
GDK is the low level drawing and events library used by GTK to wrap the underlying diplsay hardware and to react to actions by the user. You rarely need to use GDK; by design GTK should contain most of what you need to create a graphical application.
For some years now, GTK and GDK have used Cairo internally to do the bulk of their drawing work.
![]() java-gnome |