java-gnome version 4.0.19

Class Gravity

  extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Constant
      extended by org.gnome.gdk.Gravity

public final class Gravity
extends org.freedesktop.bindings.Constant

Gravity determines the location of the reference point in root window co-ordinates and which point of the Window is positioned at the reference point. This impacts the co-ordinates used when moving Windows with move(). The gravity for a Window is set by setGravity().

It turns out the whole gravity concept is unreliable; luckily you don't really need it for much. And in any case, if you're trying to move the Window around; what you probably want is setPosition().

Andrew Cowie

Field Summary
static Gravity CENTER
          Reference point is with respect to the center of the screen.
static Gravity EAST
          Co-ordinates are with respect to the center of the right-hand edge of the Window.
static Gravity NORTH
          Co-ordinates are with respect to the center of the top edge of the Window.
static Gravity NORTH_EAST
static Gravity NORTH_WEST
          Orientation to the top left corner of the screen and co-ordinates running right and down.
static Gravity SOUTH
          Co-ordinates are with respect to the center of the bottom edge of the Window.
static Gravity SOUTH_EAST
static Gravity SOUTH_WEST
static Gravity STATIC
          This is a weird one: it is in reference to the top-left corner of the Window itself (like NORTH_WEST but ignoring whatever decorations etc have been added outside by the window manager.
static Gravity WEST
          Co-ordinates are with respect to the center of the left-hand edge of the Window.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.freedesktop.bindings.Constant
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Gravity CENTER
Reference point is with respect to the center of the screen. If you're trying to center your Window on the screen this probably isn't what you want; see Window's setPosition() with an argument of CENTER or CENTER_ALWAYS instead.


public static final Gravity EAST
Co-ordinates are with respect to the center of the right-hand edge of the Window. This is rarely useful.


public static final Gravity NORTH
Co-ordinates are with respect to the center of the top edge of the Window. This is rarely useful.


public static final Gravity NORTH_EAST


public static final Gravity NORTH_WEST
Orientation to the top left corner of the screen and co-ordinates running right and down. This is the default gravity and matches what you'd normally expect x,y to mean on an X display: horizontal and vertical distance from the top-left corner.


public static final Gravity SOUTH
Co-ordinates are with respect to the center of the bottom edge of the Window. This is rarely useful.


public static final Gravity SOUTH_EAST


public static final Gravity SOUTH_WEST


public static final Gravity STATIC
This is a weird one: it is in reference to the top-left corner of the Window itself (like NORTH_WEST but ignoring whatever decorations etc have been added outside by the window manager. At first this would seem brilliantly useful, but since it ignores window decorations, moving to the co-ordinates returned by getPosition() will actually cause the Window to move slightly on the screen, rather than staying still as you might have expected. So even when you think you want this, you really want NORTH_WEST, which is why it's the default.


public static final Gravity WEST
Co-ordinates are with respect to the center of the left-hand edge of the Window. This is rarely useful.
