java-gnome version 4.0.19

Class Icon

  extended by org.freedesktop.icons.Icon
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActionIcon, ApplicationIcon, CategoryIcon, DeviceIcon, EmblemIcon, FaceIcon, MimeIcon, PlaceIcon, StateIcon

public class Icon
extends Object

Named icons. These constants represent icons that should be availalbe in the current icon theme.

The named icon standard groups icons in different categories. There is a subclass of Icon for each of these divisions: common actions that can be taken by users, applications, main menu categoies, devices and more importantly MIME types, emblems used to annotate other icons, the all important smiley faces, XDG defined places, and a list of common states for various application features.


These constants can be used to create an Image using the constructor Image() taking an Icon:

 image = new Image(FaceIcon.FACE_SMILE);
You can also use named icons in TreeViews; DataColumnIcon and a setValue() taking an Icon are for specifying a named icon in a TreeModel and CellRendererPixbuf has a setIcon() where you can specify the column to pull the image from.

Ideally you should always get an icon back when requesting an Image with one of these constants. There is a fallback mechanism if an image isn't found, but that is somewhat vague and certainly up to the overall desktop theme you're using. Worst case you'll get the "broken missing image" icon.

Guillaume Mazoyer, Andrew Cowie
See Also:
Icon Naming Specification

Method Summary
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
