java-gnome version 4.0.19

Class Internationalization

  extended by org.freedesktop.bindings.Internationalization

public final class Internationalization
extends Object

Internationalization support for java-gnome. A few definitions:

The combination of translations into a specific language along with formatting as used in a given country are collectively referred to as a locale.
Internationalization is the process of preparing applications to support multiple languages. You will frequently see this abbreviated as "i18n".
Whereby other people convert your software into their own locale. Localization, as this is process is referred to, involves more than just translating words but also involves reformatting expressions of dates and numbers so they look "correct" in that locale. Frequently abbreviated as "l10n".

The objective is that messages be shown to the user in his or her native language, not in English (or whatever language the developer was working in). Note that internationalization does not actually mean that you, as an application developer, need to translate your software to all the locales where it is planned to be used. This is done later, by translators. Applications developers just need to be aware of this, and prepare their software to be localized later. This preparation is what we call internationalization.

First of all, we need to allow for message translation. This simply means not outputting hard coded English Strings directly and instead calling a function that will redirect to the message translation. Similarly, the other aspects of internationalization such as the way dates, numbers, currency, etc are formatted is locale-dependent. The functions in this class will enable you to prepare your application for translation.

Use translatable Strings instead of hard coded Strings

Let's take the following Java code as a typical example:

 greeting = new Label("Good morning");
Fortunately, you do not need to know how this message is written in all languages of the world! You let the translators take care of that.

One approach would have been to give your sources to each translation team and have them hunt through the code for each and every String. This would be quite a nightmare, of course, and worse would require the translators to be a programmer on par with yourself. Worst of all, it would require a copy of the application specific to each locale to be distributed, which of course would be ridiculous.

The people doing translations tend not to be hard-core developers but they are making a very valuable contribution to your software by offering to translate it. So we undertake internationalization in a way that enables them to do the localization without needing to be Java programmers.

Instead of the hard coded String shown above, we wrap it in the translation function as follows:

 greeting = new Label(_("Good morning"));
The Internationalization._() function takes care of looking up your String in the translation database and will return the same message localized to the user's native language. Obviously using the static import:
 import static org.freedesktop.bindings.Internationalization._;
will make things clean and elegant.

In java-gnome, internationalizing your apps is as easy as the code above. You should use the _() function with any message you want to show to the user. Messages intended for developers only (such as debug messages going to the log) do not need to be localized.

Positional parameters

Matters become somewhat more complicated when you need to concatenate various parameters into a composite String. Consider the common use of the + operator:

 System.out.println("The file " + filename + " was modified on " + date);
This code is not internationalized at all. Not only do we need to allow the message to be translated, but we must also allow for the the date to be formatted appropriately. In java-gnome, you do this as follows:
 System.out.println(_("The file {0} was modified on {1,date,long}", filename, date));
The added complexity comes from the need to cater for the "positional parameters" (here filename and date) which may have a different order when rendered in someone else's language. Again, you don't need to know the specifics for every possible target locale, you just need to supply the information in a form that can be localized.

To format these parameters, you use the MessageFormat syntax. Put briefly, you will:

Of course, computers don't make magic (still), so you still need a translation process to actually localize your messages. However, with this approach this is done outside the code, in files named "message catalogues" where the translated messages are stored. In fact, the _() function will look up the given message in that catalogues, to show the translated version to the user. As a developer, you don't need to create them, it is the task of translator. However, knowledge of that process is useful, so we outline it below.


Most users are not aware of this, but having selected a "language" when they first logged in they initialize their LANG and LC_MESSAGES environment variables.

Examples of locales include:

English as written and used in Canada
English as written and used in Britain
English (generic)
Spanish as written and used in Spain
Spanish (generic)
French as used in Canada
French as used in France
French (generic)
etc. You'll note the addition of qualifiers like .UTF-8 which are how a locale indicates support for specific character sets.

There is also one other locale you will see:

the untranslated domain, typically expressed in English.
which is what you write in your programs.

Note that nothing requires you to to use English for the untranslated messages in your source code. English is, however, the lingua franca of our age, and more to the point is the language which most translation teams understand and translate from. If you are doing your own translations, then go right ahead and program in whatever language you want. On the other hand, if you wish to leverage the GNOME Translation Project's expertise, we recommend that your untranslated Strings be in basic English.

Indeed, using uncomplicated English Strings will mean that you will be less likely to "break" Strings (thereby causing the translation teams' localizations to no longer work). Even if you are a native English speaker, we recommend that you localize your own work into (say) en_AU or en_CA as this will cause you to be aware of translation issues - and will minimize String breaks.

As you can imagine, the gettext and glibc libraries fallback in a predictable order. They try to find a translation that is appropriate for your locale, starting with the fully qualified LANG variable and then steadily degrading. For example, if your LANG=fr_CA.UTF-8, you could expect the following sequence of locales to be searched:

Employing gettext

java-gnome uses the GNU gettext suite, which is the same translation infrastructure that GNOME and most other Linux applications use. The process used by gettext to generate the message catalogues is as follows:

First of all, the messages used in your code need to be extracted. This is done by the xgettext command. It is able to distinguish between translatable messages and other Strings because the former are marked with the calls to _(). So, the following call:

 $ xgettext -o myapp.pot --omit-header --keyword=_ --keyword=N_ path/to/
will extract the messages used in the class to a file called myapp.pot. A POT file is a template with the list of translatable messages which translators will use to know the message they must translate. With the command:
 $ msginit -i myapp.pot -o ${LANG}.po
they can generate a PO file for their particular language which is where the messages will be translated. PO files contain the translated messages. There is one PO file per locale, named with the standard scheme language_COUNTRY. Examples are en_CA.po, es_ES.po, fr.po, pt.po, pt_BR.po.... Typically, the PO files of a given project are stored in a directory named po/.

To be used by gettext, those files need to be "compiled" to a binary form, known as MO files. That is done with the msgfmt command:

 $ msgfmt -o es.po
MO files are installed together with other application artifacts, usually under /usr/share/locale/${locale}/LC_MESSAGES/${packageName}.mo, where ${locale} is the locale and ${packageName} is a unique identifier for the program, usually your application name. This name is needed because when installed to the system, MO files are stored under a directory common to all installed apps. For example, localized messages for the pt_BR locale of the myapp application will be packaged as /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/

As you can imagine, you will need to tell gettext where those files are physically located. This is done with the init() method. This must be called before any usage of java-gnome internationalization infrastructure.

 public void main(String[] args) {
     Internationalization.init("myapp", "share/locale/");

In some cases, this might be a problem. If you have messages stored in a static array initializer use the N_() function to mark these messages, then use _() later on the variable carrying the constant. See N_() for more details.

Vreixo Formoso, Andrew Cowie

Method Summary
static String _(String msg, Object... parameters)
          Translate and format a given message according to user locale.
static void init(String packageName, String localeDir)
          Initialize internationalization support.
static String N_(String msg)
          Mark the given message as translatable, without actually translating it.
static String translateCountryName(String name)
          Translate a country name.
static String translateLanguageName(String name)
          Translate a language name.
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static final String _(String msg,
                             Object... parameters)
Translate and format a given message according to user locale.

This attempts to translate a text string into the user's native language. You just need to call it with the message in C, as follows:

 String translated = _("Hello");

The java-gnome implementation of _() also supports message formatting and concatenation in a language-neutral way. For example, let's suppose we want to print the following message: "The file 'data.log' has been modified at March 21, 2008 at 5:27:22 PM". This message actually has two parameters, the filename, and the date of modification. This data is locale-dependent, as the dates are represented differently depending on language and country. We could get the internationalized message with:

 String filename;
 Date date;
 _("The file '{0}' has been modified on {1,date,long} at {1,time}", filename, date);
As you can see, it is easy to construct a given message from several parameters, even when some parameters need locale-dependent formatting.

The actual formatting is done by MessageFormat, so take a look at its documentation for all available format options. Translation is done handled by gettext before the message is passed to MessageFormat for further handling of the positional parameters.

msg - The message to print. This is the untranslated message, usually in English.
parameters - Parameters of the message
The message translated and properly formatted. If no translation is found, the original English is returned.


public static final void init(String packageName,
                              String localeDir)
Initialize internationalization support. You must call this function before any other usage of the methods on the Internationalization class, ie:
 public void main(String[] args) {
     Internationalization.init("myapp", "/usr/share/locale/");

packageName - Application name
localeDir - Directory where to find the message catalogues (usually /usr/share/locale) The actually message catalogue is found at ${localeDir}/${locale}/LC_MESSAGES/${packageName}.mo For example: /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ It is not compulsory to use an absolute path for the localeDir parameter.


public static final String N_(String msg)
Mark the given message as translatable, without actually translating it. This is used for static fields that are initialized before Internationalization is initialized:
 private static final String BUTTON_MESSAGE = N_("Press me!");
You still need to call _() later, to actually translate the message.
Obviously the problem now is to come up with constant names that are unobtrusive. There are various different naming schemes that can be employed; all are somewhat ugly. In general this leads to people not using Strings in static initializers as much as they might have been used to. Indeed, the whole point of abstracting out such Strings (so that they are in one place at the "top" of the file) is less relevant given that the gettext tools will be extracting all your messages anyway.

msg - The message to mark as translatable
The msg argument, not translated. Remember, N_() is only used to mark a String as translatable so that xgettext can extract it.


public static final String translateCountryName(String name)
Translate a country name. For example, if you are in LANG="fr_CA",
 lang = translateCountryName("United Kingdom");
will get you "Royaume-Uni".

To use this function you must already have done the lookup of the ISO 3166 country code to its name in English. Unfortunately there's no automated way to do this. The iso-codes package, however, countains an XML file at /usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_3166.xml with the necessary data.

This function uses dgetttext() and the "iso_3166" translation domain. Translations for countries in this standard should already be available on your system.



public static final String translateLanguageName(String name)
Translate a language name. For example, if you are in LANG="es_ES.UTF-8" and do:
 lang = translateCountryName("Japanese");
you will get "Japonés".

In order to use this function, you must already have done the lookup of the ISO 639 language code (jp in this case to what the standard has the name in English as. Unfortunately there's no automated way to do this, however the iso-codes package countains an XML file at /usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_639.xml with this data.

Beware that you really need to use the proper name; es (which is Spanish to mere mortals) is "Spanish; Castilian" in the XML data [and hence in the message catalogues].

This function uses dgetttext() and the "iso_639" translation domain. Translations for languages in this standard should already be available on your system.

