java-gnome 4.1.3, released 4 May 2013
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Installing java-gnome on Ubuntu

java-gnome is part of the official GNOME language bindings suite, and as such should be present in any recent Ubuntu system.

The following command will install the latest released version of the bindings library:

# sudo apt-get install libjava-gnome-java

You should check that the version you're getting from Canonical matches the latest release as shown above. You can check the available packages at list of Ubuntu releases and the java-gnome versions they provide. If out of date, you may prefer to get java-gnome from a PPA or build it from source.

As java-gnome 4.0 is a completely new from-the-ground-up implementation, it depends on a very modern version of GLib, GTK, and the other libraries in the GNOME stack. Being the remarkable Linux distribution it is, Ubuntu typically ships very recent releases of GNOME, so you will certainly have all the necessary prerequisites on any recently installed or upgraded system.

Debian wraps all Java packages as lib...-java so, somewhat to our chagrin, they have named our bindings package libjava-gnome-java and Ubuntu has inherited this..

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